
NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION T he MCC Mills makes it possible to maintain the formwork of the standards and to carry out concreting with collective safety. It is assembled from the deck of the Touréchaf and the adjustment of the line is done easily using the wedge key rail system and 4 screw jacks. In standard use, it makes it possible to maintain formwork from Ø 150 to 650 mm. 4 MCC screw jacks Carton formwork up to Ø650 mm 10 cm MCC rails bearer assembled on the stirrups of the Touréchaf Adjustment of the position of the double rails every 10 cm 2 MCC double rails > MCC SCREW JACK Description Code Weight MCC screw jack 011253-2 2.4 > MCC RAILS BEARER Description Code Weight MCC rails bearer 011250-8 12.7 1.00 100 0.75 1.50 > Main components: Used in kits of 4. Captive nut Captive pin Compatible with Touréchaf 1m and 1m50. > MCC DOUBLE RAIL Description Code Weight MCC double rail 011252-4 7.0 Used in pairs. 40 T O U R É C H A F : F A L S E W O R K T O W E R W I T H I N T E G R A L S A F E T Y S Y S T E M > Composition of a complete MCC Mills for carton formwork from Ø150 to 650 mm: - 4 MCC screw jacks. - 1 MCC rails bearer. - 2 MCC double rails. The heel-piece can play the role of maintaining the formwork at the foot MCC Mills: Carton Formwork Bridle... WARNING: Check the stability of the assembly. For greater stability, it is possible to position 2 facing towers connected by MCC double rails and braced by ledgers and diagonal braces for a spacing between towers of 1m00. All dimensions are in mm and in m. Weights are in kg. Refer to the data of the carton formwork manufacturer for the number of maintainers.