Escalib Mills_GB

18 E S C A L I B M I L L S : S I T E S P I R A L S T A I R T O W E R W I T H S I D E E X I T . Side access gangway Gangway startV2 Evenly distributed working load: 200kg/m². Front access gangway pre-assembled (1.50 or 3.00 m) M DS gangway bracket 2 M14-100-8.8 bolts The braces remain tilted so as to facilitate the assembly thereof from the Escalib Mills. 6 M14-55-8.8 guardrail bolts The Start and the Side access gangway assembly are assembled before lifting. Modular side access gangway ... > SIDEACCESS GANGWAY WITH BOLTS Description Code Weight Side access gangway with bolts 013442-9 220.6 6 M14-55-8.8 bolts > Examples of gangways for side exit: W hen an Escalib Mills is used to access several levels, the exits may be on different sides (A, B, C or D). Side access gangways allow for access to the deck by the sides of the Escalib Mills. All slabs can, therefore, be accessed, regardless of the orientation of the Escalib Mills tower. The side access gangway is supported by 2 braces that are assembled on the gangway bracket of the lower level. > Example of modular side access gangway assembly. Compatible with the Mini Escalib with the Mini MDS Gangway Bracket. NT 010 - ESCALIB MILLS TECHNICAL INFORMATION