
Differential settlement: The four feet of the tower must bear on the same type of surface so that the settlement under each foot is identical. If this is not possible, for example, if two base plates bear on a concrete slab and two bear on natural ground, the load on the base plates on the natural ground must be spread to minimise settlement. R E G U L A T I O N S , S T A N D A R D S A N D R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S 73 NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION a A 45° 45° F a: width of the base plate H : total height of the baulk A : the with of the compression cone where A = 2 H + a S = (A + 3 h) 2 a : width of the base plate h : total height of the baulk A : the with of the compression cone where A = 2 h + a S = (A + 3 h) 2 Baulk as trestle Single baulk A max. 1.5 h max. 1.5 h h h 1.5 h 1.5 h F Verification: It is important to check that the pressure exerted by the post is not exceeding the load bearing capacity of the ground, which is: F/S < p where: F = downward force on standard. p = ground bearing capacity S = bearing surface area. If this is not the case, the bearing area should be increased by using an additional support. In practice, distribution devices are often made of wood (beams or baulks) when the support is a natural ground. The calculations should assume that the load is spread in a compression cone with an aperture angle of 90°. Often, the baulk exceeds that of the compression cone. If the ground is soft, it is possible to consider an additional distribution width, up to 3xh, where h is the wedge height. If the ground bearing pressure is not acceptable, it is possible to use a thicker baulk (called "trestle"). Excessive stacking of wedges Bearing over a gutter Bearing on hollow block WARNING: Absolutely prevent bearing on ground with unknown bearing capacity. H