M I L L S P A N O : C O M P L E T E H O R I Z O N T A L F O R M W O R K S Y S T E M Mills Pano , complete horizontal formwork system... 14 T he Mills Pano system is a complete horizontal formwork system, particularly intended for carrying out slabs cast in place in the field of public works and structures. It is also used to create service decking at the building edge, for example. Mills Pano supplements the Touréchaf falsework system. It contains accessories that meet the needs for finishing, handling, storage and implementation, in compliance with safety. For optimum use, each Mills Pano formwork must undergo calculation specifically for it. Touréchaf falsework equipped with Mills Pano shuttering board formwork for the construction of the Gif-sur-Yvette viaduct on line 18 of the Grand Paris Express. NT 009 - MILLS FORMWORK TECHNICAL INFORMATION To create formwork quickly in complete safety...