Tiroir Mills

4 M I L L S T I R O I R : M A N U A L L Y O P E R A T E D U N L O A D I N G P L A T F O R M NT 012 – MILLS TIROIR Assembling and dismantling... > 1 - Transport up to 5 stacked “Mills Tiroir”. > 2 - Fit the guardrails and the jack posts.This can be done at the depot before delivery to point of use. Go to www.mills.fr for details on this step > 3 - Raise the Mills Tiroir in the open position, once the 2 bolts are engaged. > 4 - Place the Mills Tiroir between 2 slabs. The surface must first be made safe. > 5 - Extend the 4 jack posts to apply pressure to the slabs.Assemble the bars linking the jack posts then unhook the crane's 4 lifting chains and raise the rear ledgers. > 6 - Unlock the Mills Tiroir then retract it manually and lock it again when it is no longer in use.